Learn how your Credit Union can fuel growth by embracing change.

Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Michele Stone to learn how Seez can transform your credit union to achieve unprecedented growth.

About us

We don't consult, we partner.

Growth isn’t a one size fits all proposition. You need a partner who customizes research and solutions to match your needs instead of rehashing ideas they give to every client.

Not only do we have solutions, we can help you effectively execute on them.

Many consultants give you a solution and their job is done. Seez can help you bring any recommendation to life, bringing you tangible growth, not fancy presentations.

How we do it

Our Base Approach.


Financial Health & Market Assessment to include:

  • Financial Review: this proprietary score allows us to target areas of strength and weakness

  • Market Assessment: review Consumer and Competitor Trends to find opportunities and threats

  • True Up Analysis: a scan of your website and any other resources to assess where you are in the market

Growth Strategy

With the insights from Discovery, we would help you align on a growth goal to define how transformative your growth strategy needs to be. 

Next, we facilitate work sessions with key stakeholders to align and define “where to play” and “how to win.” This helps us identify growth opportunities, your competitive advantage, source of differentiation and value proposition.

Go-to-Market Plan

After aligning on where to play and how to win, we identify growth opportunities and prioritize across the four standard strategies for growth: market penetration, market development, product/service development and diversification. 

Before your growth strategy is ready for planning, we will estimate the potential impact to determine if the strategies support your defined goal.

Initiatives to bring your plan to life.

Transforming Your Culture

  • Brand Development
    & Articulation
  • Organizational Culture & Alignment

Transforming Your Engagement

  • Persona Identification & Activation
  • Wallet Share & New Member Growth

Transforming Your Execution

  • Advertising Creative & Execution
  • Board & Strategic Planning Facilitation
How We help you

An experienced, highly-skilled team working on your business.

We have helped credit unions and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their growth potential with a unique relationship model, data-driven recommendations from industry experts, as well as curated partnerships.

We have three different ways we interact with our credit unions:

  • Facilitation of a board planning session or leadership exchange
  • One-off consultation on a specific topic
  • Our recommended
    retainer model

With decades of executive level credit union experience, our team knows not just the academic version of growth, but rubber-meets-road strategies that work in the real world.

Growth often includes technology solutions. As the options grow exponentially, we have a curated list of partners that will efficiently and effectively transform your business.

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